Acupuncture is one of the available choices to quit smoking. As it was said earlier acupuncture pulse diagnostic method can find what the most appropriate treatment may be provided. Cigarette addiction isn’t a condition for the treatment. It is a symptom of hidden condition and treating that hidden condition acupuncture doesn’t only helps to quit smoking but also improve entire health, metabolism and immune defense.
We all are born with some condition, meaning that some system of our body is working slower or less efficient then another, so other systems need to function or work harder to compensate such deficiency. But together our organism work as self-compensated balanced unit.
In some stage of our life we start to lose some energy or Qi which was providing said compensatory function. It happens due to the stress, excesses, incorrect diet and so on. This lack of energy or Qi must be fulfilled as nature doesn’t like emptiness. Body can do it itself finding internal resources of adaptation to the new condition, but it takes some time. Many people can start to fulfill it themselves with different substitutes of Qi or energy like smoking, drinking, overeating, and many more. Once this emptiness becomes fulfilled even with substitute it becomes compensated and balanced. Patients feel more comfortable, less stressed. Unfortunately above mentioned substitute becomes a part of our metabolism affecting entire organism, immune responses and functions of many systems which adopt this surrogate instead of real Qi.
Anyway emptiness becomes fulfilled and functions of our body become compensated, so when we try to remove this substitution or surrogate compensation, by quitting smoking or drinking or drug use, emptiness appears, producing lack of compensation again, bringing feeling of lack of comfort. It needs some time to bring all system to compensation again, time when patients keen to come back to smoking, that bring them fulfilling or substitution one habit with another, for example smoking for overeating.
Acupuncture pulse diagnostic method helps to reveal where deficiency is, its nature. In this case first recommendation is to come to the first treatment staying free of cigarettes from early morning, so it uncovers for the pulse diagnostic which meridian is suffering, where is the emptiness which tries to fulfill itself with nicotine. Acupuncture treatment will be directed to balance or compensate this lack of energy or Qi, so effect becomes noticeable even from the first treatment.
Acupuncture removes physiological dependence, relax tension improving metabolism. Despite of that some patients are still return to smoking as to the remedy of stress or any other problem resolution. This is another part of dependency mostly of social then physiological nature which should be resolved by same patient who takes direction to become truly independent.
Acupuncture is one of the available choices to quit smoking. As it was said earlier acupuncture pulse diagnostic method can find what the most appropriate treatment may be provided. Cigarette addiction isn’t a condition for the treatment. It is a symptom of hidden condition and treating that hidden condition acupuncture doesn’t only helps to quit smoking but also improve entire health, metabolism and immune defense.
We all are born with some condition, meaning that some system of our body is working slower or less efficient then another, so other systems need to function or work harder to compensate such deficiency. But together our organism work as self-compensated balanced unit.
In some stage of our life we start to lose some energy or Qi which was providing said compensatory function. It happens due to the stress, excesses, incorrect diet and so on. This lack of energy or Qi must be fulfilled as nature doesn’t like emptiness. Body can do it itself finding internal resources of adaptation to the new condition, but it takes some time. Many people can start to fulfill it themselves with different substitutes of Qi or energy like smoking, drinking, overeating, and many more. Once this emptiness becomes fulfilled even with substitute it becomes compensated and balanced. Patients feel more comfortable, less stressed. Unfortunately above mentioned substitute becomes a part of our metabolism affecting entire organism, immune responses and functions of many systems which adopt this surrogate instead of real Qi.
Anyway emptiness becomes fulfilled and functions of our body become compensated, so when we try to remove this substitution or surrogate compensation, by quitting smoking or drinking or drug use, emptiness appears, producing lack of compensation again, bringing feeling of lack of comfort. It needs some time to bring all system to compensation again, time when patients keen to come back to smoking, that bring them fulfilling or substitution one habit with another, for example smoking for overeating.
Acupuncture pulse diagnostic method helps to reveal where deficiency is, its nature. In this case first recommendation is to come to the first treatment staying free of cigarettes from early morning, so it uncovers for the pulse diagnostic which meridian is suffering, where is the emptiness which tries to fulfill itself with nicotine. Acupuncture treatment will be directed to balance or compensate this lack of energy or Qi, so effect becomes noticeable even from the first treatment.
Acupuncture removes physiological dependence, relax tension improving metabolism. Despite of that some patients are still return to smoking as to the remedy of stress or any other problem resolution. This is another part of dependency mostly of social then physiological nature which should be resolved by same patient who takes direction to become truly independent.