Improve your vision
Improve your vision with acupuncture and exercises in two weeks and stay without glasses. You can improve and relieve myopia, hypermetropia, diplopia, astigmatism
Myopia, hipermetropia and astigmatism are not eye diseases. They are conditions of vision due to focusing in front or behind of retina. These conditions are corrected usually by concave or convex lenses.
Condition as myopia is formed by weakness of rectus muscles and tension of oblique muscles of the eye. This eye has form of egg, producing focus front of retina.
Hipermetropia is formed by weakness of oblique muscles and tension of rectus muscles. Such eye is flattened and produces focus behind of retina.
Myopia, hipermetropia and astigmatism are not eye diseases. They are conditions of vision due to focusing in front or behind of retina. These conditions are corrected usually by concave or convex lenses.
Condition as myopia is formed by weakness of rectus muscles and tension of oblique muscles of the eye. This eye has form of egg, producing focus front of retina.
Hipermetropia is formed by weakness of oblique muscles and tension of rectus muscles. Such eye is flattened and produces focus behind of retina.