One of the parts of classical Chinese Medicine is an herbal treatment, which includes treatment with single herb or complex formulas. This treatment is very effective and may successfully complement acupuncture or massage.
Each herb may relate to different meridians, helping acupuncture treatment, inducing its effect. Herbs may be used between acupuncture, massage or rejuvenation sessions functioning as catalysts, making effect of treatment longer.
Herbs also may supply organism with qi, energy, necessary for quick recovery
Please feel free to talk if you wish to combine your massage or acupuncture treatment with herbs
Each herb may relate to different meridians, helping acupuncture treatment, inducing its effect. Herbs may be used between acupuncture, massage or rejuvenation sessions functioning as catalysts, making effect of treatment longer.
Herbs also may supply organism with qi, energy, necessary for quick recovery
Please feel free to talk if you wish to combine your massage or acupuncture treatment with herbs