Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese system of medicine
in the practice of which a fine needle pierces the skin to a depth of a few millimeters and is then withdrawn, in order to influence physiological functioning of the body. Moxibustion is another treatment method which treats patients by applying heat to acupuncture points. Acupuncture and moxibustion are considered complementary forms of treatment, and commonly used together. Cupping is another type of treatment. This is a method of stimulating acupuncture points by aplying suction through a metal, wood or glass jar, in which a partial vacuum has been created. This technique produces blood stagnation at the site, and therefore stimulates it. Acupressure is the one of the most popular alternatives to acupuncture. This is simply acupuncture without needles. Stimulation of the acupuncture points is performed with the finger Tui Na massage that means pull and push is pressing of acupuncture points along acupuncture meridians and muscle groups using many different strokes with purpose to improve energy Qi or blood flow. Shiatsu is a similar Japanese version of acupressure, tui na massage and stretching. How does acupuncture and acupressure, tui-na, shiatsu work? Any physiological process in the body has an electrical nature. Electric charge of membranes of cells and tissues promotes normal physiological functioning of cells and tissues mentioned earlier providing transport of minerals, microelements and water thanks to difference of electric charges and polarities. Classical Chinese medicine names this process as Qi movement. This phenomenon is universal for any alive cell, microorganism, animal or plant. Sometimes this normal electric charge and polarity is affected or changed by any trauma, accident, circulatory changes, ageing process or any other conditions. These changes of normal electric charge and potential of membranes of cells or tissues affects normal metabolism and reaction of entire organs. Classical Chinese medicine names this stop of normal transport process in tissues and cells as stop and stagnation of Qi movement. To treat these conditions acupuncture practitioner inserts fine needles connecting healthy tissues with affected, providing connection between them, producing electric balance, helping sick tissue to recover it's normal potential. This treatment repeated few times provides self-healing and self regeneration of effected physiological function. Therapeutic massage, tui-na, shiatsu are performed without the use of a needle, by direct contact of potentials of patient and hands practitioner. Why do I use acupuncture pulse diagnosis? Pulse diagnosis I use in my treatment is a certain indication of preclinical disease. A little consideration will show that before a disease develops with physical signs and objective findings, there will be, for months or years beforehand, some physiological disturbance that is too slight to cause overt symptoms. But even at this stage, the pulse registers a definite abnormality. A practitioner skilled in its practice would-without ever speaking to or seeing the face or body of his patient and with no more contact than a hand to radial artery of the wrist- be able to arrive at a reliable diagnosis in a matter of minutes. It can be used to confirm a diagnosis already arrived at by clinical and laboratory methods. It can be of very great benefit in a case where, although the patient is obviously ill, it has not been possible to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis in spite of thorough clinical and laboratory investigations. It is so sensitive method of diagnosis that not infrequently it will register past illnesses so accurately that a doctor is in a position to recount past history of his patient's health and to warn him of illness to be expected in future, whether it be in several months or in several years time. I will at this stage treat the patient, using acupuncture points dictated to me by the pulse diagnosis. Pulse is a language in which body of patient is talking to practitioner How does acupuncture pulse diagnosis work? First of all acupuncture pulse diagnosis shows condition of patient as I said earlier. Secondly acupuncture pulse diagnosis shows flow of Qi or energy acupuncturist may use during the treatment. Some particular signs of the pulse of patient change every 28,8 minutes. These changes happen 50 times during the day and occur simultaneously in all patients. It is an effect of rotation of the earth around the sun and spinning movement of the globe. These changes show increasing and decreasing some physiological processes in our body every 14,4 minutes (half of 28,8 minutes) known as anabolism (growing) and catabolism (destroying) or yin and yang increase and decrease. These processes are fundamental processes of any cell of alive organism. Pulse of patient reflect their changes with exactitude of couple of seconds. Taking in account particular condition of patient reflecting in his pulse and particular moment of period of the normal Qi force dominating surrounding nature I provide actions to leave patient in resonance with these forces, using them to restore normal physiological processes instantly under control of the pulse. This acupuncture method was successfully used 2000 years ago to restore health, youth and prevent diseases but was changed for contemporary prepared points combination acupuncture. Does acupuncture hurt? Most new patients are amazed how painless acupuncture can be. However, when the correct stimulus of needle has been obtained, the patient may feel some heaviness, distension, tingling or electric sensation. Classical Chinese medicine names this sensation as Qi arrival. What should one do after a treatment? Acupuncture changes the state of energy of the body, which become evolved in newly started processes of metabolism and immune system directed toward regeneration and normalizing affected body's functions. For this reason, it is best to avoid heavily physical labor following a treatment. Otherwise no special precautions are necessary. Occasionally patients may notice a brief worsening of the symptoms of the condition prior to soon improvement. This reaction may be explained as strong immune system process, enhanced by acupuncture. I have experience to treat* patients with following conditions : Patients with respiratory and lungs conditions such as asthma, colds, flu breathlessness, bronchitis, cough, hay fever, pulmonary congestion, coughs . Patients with circulatory conditions such as angina, pseudo angina, palpitations, arrhythmia, cardiac insufficiency, phlebitis, hemorrhoids, heart conditions , low or high blood pressure , palpitations, poor circulation, stroke, thrombosis, varicose veins. Patients with digestive conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and heartburn, duodenal and stomach ulcer, hyper and hypoacidity, gastritis, no appetite, eructation, wind, abdominal distension, pyloric spasms, colitis. Eye conditions such as blurred vision, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, glaucoma. Patients with ear, nose, mouth conditions such as gum conditions, rhinitis, hay fever, loss of smell, loss of voice, noise in the ears , nosebleeds, otitis, sinusitis, sore throat , tinnitus, tonsillitis, tooth conditions. Patients with emotional and mental conditions such as eating disorders. Patients with gynecological conditions such as heavy periods, irregular or absent periods, morning sickness, vaginal discharge, menopausal hot flushes, period pains, premenstrual tension, impotence, Patients with neurological conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, headaches and migraines, insomnia, Bells palsy, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, neuralgia, fainting, trigeminal neuralgia, tics, spasms, cerebral arteriosclerosis, shingle. Patients with skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, herpes, dermatitis. Patients with urinary and reproductive conditions such as bed-wetting or enuresis, cystitis, impotence, urine retention, incontinence, infertility, kidney stones, prostate conditions. Patients with pregnancy and childbirth conditions such as breech presentation of babies, pain relief in labor, labor induction, morning sickness, postnatal depression. Patients for an assistance in cancer treatment Patients with drug, alcohol, nicotine dependency Facial rejuvenation. * Explanation of meaning of treatments practiced by acupuncturists: treatment [trēt´ment] 1. the management and care of a patient; see also care. Acupuncturists treat patient, not disease. 2. the combating of a disease or disorder; called also therapy.Acupuncturists treat patients instead of combating of a disease. causal treatment treatment of patient directed against the cause of a disease. conservative treatment treatment of the patient designed to avoid radical medical therapeutic measures or operative procedures. empiric treatment treatment of the patient by means that experience has proved to be beneficial. expectant treatment treatment of the patient directed toward relief of untoward symptoms of patient, leaving the cure of the disease to natural forces. palliative treatment the services rendered by members of the health professions for the benefit of a patient. preventive treatment is a measure taken to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease prophylactic treatment is a measure taken by practitioner and patient to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease. rational treatment is a treatment of patient that based upon knowledge of disease and the action of the remedies given. specific treatment treatment of the patient particularly adapted to the special condition being relieved. substance use treatment in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined assupportive care of patient/family members with physical and psychosocial problems associated with the use of alcohol ordrugs. See also substance abuse. substance use treatment: alcohol withdrawal in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the care of the patient experiencing sudden cessation of alcohol consumption. See alsoalcoholism. substance use treatment: drug withdrawal in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the care of a patient experiencing drug detoxification. See also substance abuse. Acupuncturist provides the management and care of patient in form of empiric expectant conservative treatment. This treatment of the patient is designed to avoid radical medical therapeutic measures or operative procedures; this treatment has proved to be beneficial from the experience and is directed toward relief of untoward symptoms of patient, leaving the cure of the disease to natural forces
Any treatment in our clinic starts from the pulse diagnosis. This diagnosis shows condition of different parts of capillary net known as meridians of acupuncture. These meridians have function of antenna which receives electromagnetic waves created by rotation of the earth. Pulse diagnosis shows which part of this antenna is out of tune, so acupuncture treatment would be applied to normalize function of affected meridians. Restored reaction of this capillary net will leave the body in the best state for improvement. |
Many patients would like to share their positive experiences about their treatments, but it is impossible under National LawHere is an example of the treatment of patient with Chronic vasculitis one week after treatment |